New Season Begins

Our new President, Lloyd Moore, welcomed everyone back to the start of our 2019/2020 season on Thursday 5th September. It was good to see some new faces as well as the older ones and we all look forward to another fun-filled and event-packed year. Unusually this year, due to the number of competition entries we now receive, it was decided to hold our first set subject competition on the first night back. As usual, members from our supported charity, the Multiple Sclerosis Society attended to choose their favourite images that they will use for their calendar; the theme for this year was Pubs and Cafés around Watford.

The second half of the evening we held the Prime Lens Challenge competition, where members who attended the day out in Colchester in July could submit up to 3 images taken with a prime (single focal length) lens.

Our judge for the evening was Steven Galvin from Marlow Camera Club. There were 22 set subject entries. Congratulations goes to Richard Wilson for winning with his image, “One Crown bar chat”.

One Crown bar chat

One Crown bar chat by Richard Wilson

The Prime Lens Challenge Shield was won by Patrick Seehanach with “Me, my music and I” from a field of 44 entries. Very well done to him.

Set subject 1st - Me My Music and I_Patrick Seehanach

Me My Music and I by Patrick Seehanach

Lloyd thanked Judge Steven for his informative and insightful comments.