Set Subjects 2024-25

Here are the details for the Set Subjects in the 2024-25 season.

Set Subjects titles are released on January 1st each year for the Competition Year starting in the September of that same year. This gives at least 9 months for authors to capture their images. Indeed all images for Set Subject MUST be captured after the release date. Members must not use their ‘back catalogue’ from before that date (Jan 1st).

There is one exception to this each year. The Debbie Ram Seeker of Light is a Set Subject Title which runs every year alongside the other 5 annually named titles. The Debbie Ram Seeker of Light Award is always our first Set Subject which we run immediately after we return each September. The image for this competition can be captured after September 1st each year for the following September’s competition. This allows authors one full year to capture their image.

Please note that some dates may need to be changed but at least you can make a start at getting those set subject images. Corrections will follow as soon as I have the details.

TBAPrint Set Subject 1Debbie Ram ‘Seeker of Light’ AwardThis award will be given to the image that the judge believes has the best quality of light. The subject matter is unimportant. The Primary subject should be well/sympathetically lit to bring out the best features & bring it to life. The light source can be artificial or natural or a combination of the two. (These images must have been captured after 1st September 2023)
TBAPDI Set Subject 1Fast & FuriousEssentially this is to be an action shot, whether you freeze the action or use a slower shutter speed or use panning. The subject is of no consequence, we just want you to capture the action.
TBAPrint Set Subject 2FaceNot all of us consider ourselves to be portrait photographers but this is the chance to try something different. This doesn't have to be taken in a studio, it doesn't have to be formal. It could be a self-portrait, or a candid piece of Street photography, or if you wish you can do a formal photo. All we want you to capture is a human face which tells us something about the person.
TBAPDI Set Subject 2FoodAnything to do with food, the growing, the preparing, the eating or the presentation. Your chance here is to use different types of photography, you could use Macro/Close up, artificial or natural lighting, wide angle or even a fish eye. Think F.P.O.T.Y. the world is your lobster.
TBAPrint Set Subject 3Festivals, Fetes & FairsWe've given you a choice of different venues, let's see what you can do. There is once again so many subjects to photograph & so many ways to do it, Street Style, Close Up, Action the list is endless.
TBAPDI Set Subject 3Fur & FeatherThe clue is in the title, Wildlife or domestic - animals or birds.