Watford Camera Club – Constitution

The name of the Club shall be Watford Camera Club (hereafter referred to as ‘the club’).

1. Club Objectives

The aim of the club shall be to encourage the art and science of photography. To achieve this aim the club shall:-

  • Hold regular meetings where the club will present workshops, tutorials, presentations, etc., which will stimulate and encourage the members to improve their skill levels.
  • Hold a variety of internal competitions.
  • From time to time organise exhibitions of photographic work produced by club members and organise outings or other such events which will provide the membership with opportunities to improve their skill.
  • Encourage, assist and facilitate members to apply for and achieve nationally and internationally recognised photographic awards.
  • Encourage members to enter external competitions individually.
  • Compete externally.

The Club pursues a policy of equal opportunities; it does not discriminate on the grounds of age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

The club shall publicise its activities and arrange public exhibitions in order to promote itself in the community.

2. Affiliation

The club shall be affiliated to the nationally accreditation body ‘The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs’ (CACC) and any other bodies which the committee feel would be of benefit to the club and its members.

3. Club Season

The club season runs from September to June of the following year. Physical meetings are usually held on a weekly basis throughout the season (except a Christmas break), but they can be moved online at the discretion of the committee.

4. Membership

Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone over the age of 16 who applies and who the Committee may in its absolute discretion admit to membership. Membership shall be open to all persons aged 18 or over, however those aged 16-18 may only join and attend if accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. Younger members in particular need to be aware that occasionally images may contain adult themes.

New members are required to fill out an online membership application form. Providing correct full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses (where applicable) and emergency contact information to cover unforeseen situations.

Each application shall be processed by the designated data administrator (possibly a non-committee member role) and the applicant’s details forwarded to the Membership Secretary.

The determination of the Committee shall be final and conclusive and the committee shall not be required to give any reason for rejecting any such application. Membership of the club implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by the rules of the club. It shall be a requirement of continued membership that all members conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring the club into disrepute. Members partaking in outings do so at their own risk and expense.

The Committee may propose, for approval at an AGM, individuals for lifetime Honorary Membership (i.e. not subject to annual subscription) in recognition of services to the club.

Prospective new members who are considering joining the club may attend two weekly meetings prior to joining, at which stage the relevant fee will be payable.

5. The Committee

The management of the Club affairs and Club funds shall be vested in the Committee consisting of not less than eight members. The Committee shall consist of the roles identified below and up to three other ‘working members’ who shall all be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies (including the election of additional officers) during its term of office with the subsequent committee membership approval at an EGM within 3 months of appointment (unless the AGM occurs sooner). Any such newly appointed committee members shall then remain in role until the next Annual General Meeting.

Members of the committee shall cover the roles of.

  • The President
  • The Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Programme secretary
  • Treasurer and membership secretary
  • Trophy secretary
  • External competition secretary
  • Internal competition secretary
  • Assistant Internal competition secretary
  • Public Relations & Social Media secretary
  • Social secretary
  • Working Members

The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a contest for an office, the election of the office shall be by secret ballot. To be elected a member must receive more than 50% of the valid votes cast by those attending the meeting. Proxy voting is not allowed. Officers so elected shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.

The Committee shall have the power to enforce the general club rules included in this document. No member shall be absolved from such general rules by reason of his or her not having read same, or any alteration made therein or having otherwise no notice of them.

A meeting of the Committee shall be called by the Secretary at the discretion of the President or at the request of not less than five members of the Committee.

All issues arising at any committee meeting shall be decided by a majority of all those present and voting at such a meeting including the President. In the event of a tie, the President’s vote shall determine the outcome.

All proceedings of the Committee shall be entered by the Secretary in the minutes, or by a volunteering substitute in their absence. At all meetings of the Committee, five members shall form a quorum.


The President will preside over meetings, delegate tasks, serve as the club liaison, and perform other duties essential to the club. The President shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote, provided he/she has cast his/her deliberative vote. This is applicable only to general committee meetings.

Vice President

The Vice-President will assist the President and will take over the President’s duties whenever the President is temporarily absent.


Subject to any directions which may from time to time be given by the Committee, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to conduct correspondence on behalf of the Club. To attend Committee and Annual General Meetings whenever possible and to keep minutes of such meetings. To give fourteen clear days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting or EGM and seven clear days’ notice of all Committee meetings. In the case of emergency, a meeting of the Committee may be called by the Secretary on three clear days’ notice to all members of the Committee.

Programme Secretary

The Programme Secretary shall communicate with the Committee to arrange and coordinate a programme of weekly club night events which will have the aim of fulfilling the Club Objectives. In respect of internal competitions the Programme Secretary shall coordinate the appointment of external judges to preside over internal ‘monthly’ club competitions. Only the Programme secretary shall know the identity of the external judge ahead of the relevant competition entry deadline. Typically the judges will be selected by the Programme Secretary from a database of PAGB and/or CACC accredited judges, but where this is not possible the selection will be at the programme secretary’s discretion.

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

The Treasurer shall receive and pay all monies due on account of the Club and his/her account thereof, shall be made available to the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Club. The Treasurer shall keep an up to date record of the names and addresses of all members of the Club and records of all the Club’s monies and transactions. The financial year of the Club shall be until 31st July each year. Accounts will be checked annually by a qualified/independent examiner.

Trophy Secretary

The Trophy Secretary shall coordinate the annual collection, engraving and awarding of internal club trophies. They shall be responsible for arranging any repair or replacement of said trophies.

External Competition Secretary

The External Competition Secretary shall be responsible for collecting entries for all regional inter-club competitions, arranging for these to undergo selection by the Selection Committee, presenting the entries to the judge or competition organiser, reporting the competition result to the Committee and/or the Club and retrieving the entries.

Internal Competition Secretary

The Internal Competition Secretary shall be responsible for collecting and coordinating entries from club members for internal club competitions – both Projected Digital Images (PDIs) and Prints by the agreed deadline.

Assistant Internal Competition Secretary

The Assistant Internal Competition Secretary will work with, and support, the role of the Internal Competition Secretary.

Public Relations and Social Media Secretary

The role of the public relations and social media secretary is to promote the activities, convey the policies and interests of the Club to the public through various forms of media.

Social Secretary

The Social Secretary shall arrange and coordinate a programme of events outside the regular weekly club nights. The programme should supplement the regular programme and support the Club Objectives. It will include social events and in photography terms should encompass a variety of photographic genres.

6. Internal Competition Leagues

Internal Club Competitions (‘monthly’) are offered to members at three levels as follows – General, Intermediate and Advanced. There will routinely be a process of promotion and demotion between these leagues at the end of each season. These ‘monthly’ competitions shall routinely be an even split of ‘Print’ and ‘PDI’ competitions but the committee reserves the right to alter this split should other unavoidable factors deem it necessary. The Committee shall have the power to suspend such promotions and demotions in extreme circumstances where it is felt it would be unfair to apply the Competition Rules strictly due to extraordinary circumstances (e.g. the non-completion of the full programme of Internal ‘monthly’ competitions). In addition, and for similar reasons, the Committee shall have the power to suspend the submission of warnings to those members who fail to enter a minimum of 8 images in a season (and which could therefore subsequently affect demotion). Full details of Internal Competition Rules are available on the club website, this includes information on promotion and demotion.

7. Breach of Rules by Club Member.

For more minor breaches of the constitution, such as (but not limited to) failure to comply with competition entry rules, the committee reserves the right to apply a sanction appropriate to the misdemeanour.

Any serious breach of rules reported to any member of the Committee shall be investigated by the Committee and if upheld may lead to a suspension or expulsion from the club of the member committing such breach. Any sanction shall be at the absolute discretion of the Committee and shall require a majority of two thirds of the members of the Committee present and voting at the meeting. Where a member has received two suspensions from the Club any further breach of the rules triggering a further suspension may incur immediate expulsion from the Club. All complaints must be in writing and signed by complainant. (Examples of a ‘serious breach’ might include theft or a significant contravention of our ‘equal opportunities’ stance)

The Committee shall have power to remove a member of the Committee for “conduct unbecoming of a member“ – or where there is felt to be a ‘conflict of interests’. Such removal/dismissal shall require a two thirds majority.

The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from any club members as may from time to time be deemed necessary. The Committee shall determine the tenure and terms of reference and procedures of any such committees.

Bye-laws -The Committee shall have power to make byelaws, as they may consider necessary for the well-being of the club. Such byelaws shall have effect till otherwise determined by the committee or a General Meeting

8. Behaviour

All members are entitled to be treated with dignity, respect and common courtesy in their contacts with others and they need to act with integrity towards others at all times. Furthermore, all members are expected to adhere to this when participating in club activities.

Members should avoid being critical of anyone – particularly competition judges, Club officials and members of Watford Camera Club or other clubs. Instead, members should consider offering constructive suggestions for improvement directly, yet politely and respectfully, to the individual(s) involved. Where a member feels unfairly treated by a judge they should approach a committee member in confidence.

9. Social Media

Watford Camera Club members are advised to always be polite, respectful and constructive in their postings on the club’s social media sites. Common sense on the part of the member will in most instances ensure that only appropriate posts are uploaded to social media sites.

Improper or inappropriate use of social media by a Member could make them liable to disciplinary action including dismissal from the Club

Social Media applies to any website or application that enables sharing of content or information, or supports social interactions. This includes, but isn’t limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr and this includes any other online technologies that allow individual users to upload and share content.

10. Image Rights

All prints and digital images remain the property of the photographer and the Club claims no rights other than the ability to display the prints and images at Club meetings including Watford Camera Club exhibitions and functions including Inter-Club events, and on the Watford Camera Club website/Social Media sites or publications.

11. AGM

An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be convened by the Committee in the last quarter of the year on not less than fourteen clear days’ notice to all paid-up members of the Club. The quorum for the AGM / EGM shall be 25% of the membership. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include The President’s Report, the Treasurers Report & Presentation of Interim Accounts, (subject to final accounts being made available/presented in an EGM in the Autumn season/quarter) and the election of Officers for the coming year. All motions submitted for AGM/EGM must be submitted in writing to the club secretary not later than 7 days prior to the date of the AGM/EGM. All nominations for positions on the committee must be proposed and seconded from the members in attendance at the AGM. No member shall be elected to office or the Committee during his/her absence, unless notified to the club secretary not later than 7 days prior to the date of the AGM/EGM.

12. Subscriptions

Meeting fees shall be set by the committee in line with the cost of venue, etc. The Annual subscription shall be proposed by the committee to ensure that the club will be in a position to meet its operational expenditure and this proposal shall be submitted for approval at the AGM. Annual subscriptions will reflect a variety of memberships including Ordinary, Family, Senior (over 65), Junior (under 18) and Country memberships (Country members are those living more than 50 miles from the meeting venue. They will be allowed to enter club competitions and may attend up to
a third of meetings in person; additional meetings attended will be charged at £5 per meeting). Reduced subscriptions for the season shall be available for new members joining in January or later and shall decrease monthly until the season ends in June. Membership fees shall fall due annually by September. Members who have not paid their subscription by the end of September shall be deemed to have resigned their membership of the club. Members under the age of 18 will be required to provide written permission to attend club activities from a parent or guardian.

13. Finance Management

On a day-to-day basis the Treasurer shall manage the financial transactions necessary for the smooth operation of the club. Where payment by cheques are needed these shall be signed by two of the 3 members of the committee who are recognised by the bank to sign. Where two signatures are needed this shall not be by two members of the same family, household or sharing a relationship.

More commonly payments are carried out by bank transfers ‘online’ by the treasurer who acts on behalf of the club and in close cooperation with various relevant committee members. Annually the accounts are subsequently examined by a qualified/independent examiner where checks on balances are carried out.

14. Extraordinary General Meeting

An EGM may be called by the committee or by not less than 15 members of the membership of the Club. The committee shall fix a date for the EGM not later than 21 days from the receipt of a valid request. All members are to be notified at least 14 days prior to the date of the EGM. A copy of the agenda and motion(s) proposed must be enclosed with the EGM notice. No business other than that which is contained on the EGM agenda can be transacted.

15. Amendments to the Club Constitution

Alterations or additions to these rules shall be subject to approval at an AGM or EGM of a resolution carried by more than fifty percent of the members attending and voting at any such meeting. Members shall be given fourteen or more clear days’ notice of the meeting and the resolution(s) to be considered at the meeting.

16. Dissolution

A decision to dissolve the club may only be taken when the funds of the club are insufficient for the club to run properly or when membership numbers drop to such a level that the club is no longer viable. This decision can only be taken at an AGM or EGM. In the event of a liquidation of the Club, the net assets, after payment to creditors, shall be donated to like-minded organisations and/or charities at the discretion of the Committee.

17. Interpretation

If any matters arise from this constitution which require interpretation, then the committee shall have the power to decide on what course of action should be taken until the matter can be put before the membership at an AGM or EGM.

18. Privacy Policy

All personally identifiable data collected by the club will be kept securely by the following elected club committee members,

  • The President
  • The Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Programme secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Social secretary

and also by the designated data administrator (non-committee member)

and available only to these members for the duration of their term in office, for the express sole purpose of running the club safely.

How we respect privacy when we deal with personal information collected by our organisation

This Privacy Policy applies to information we at Watford Camera Club collect about individuals who interact with our organisation. It explains what personal information we collect and how we use it.

If you have any comments or questions about this notice, feel free to contact us at Watford Camera Club.

Personal Data

1. Personal data that we process

The following table explains the types of data we collect and the legal basis, under current data protection legislation, on which this data is processed.



2. How we use your data

We will only use your data in a manner that is appropriate considering the basis on which that data was collected, as set out in the table above.

For example, we may use your personal information to:

  • reply to enquiries you send to us;
  • handle memberships or other transactions that you initiate;
  • where you have specifically agreed to this, send you communications by email relating to our events and activities which we think may be of interest to you.
  • send you links for the likes of joining online club meetings

3. When we share your data

We will only pass your data to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • The club needs to share this data to provide a service requested by the member(s) – in which case the committee will decide whether such a request is to be honoured.
  • The club may be required to disclose limited personal data, for example, a member’s name, for eligibility to enter competitions, or in the event of an emergency.
  • The club needs to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process, or to any legitimate request by authorities with which we must legally comply.

4. How long we keep your data

We take the principles of data minimisation and removal seriously and we only ever ask for the minimum amount of data for the associated purpose and delete that data promptly once it is no longer required.

5. Rights you have over your data

You have a range of rights over your data, which include the following:

  • You have the right to ask for rectification and/or deletion of your information.
  • You have the right of access to your information.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the club President if you feel your rights have been infringed.

6. Cookies & usage tracking

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded on to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are used by many websites and can do a number of things, eg remembering your preferences, recording what information you have accessed, and counting the number of people looking at a website.

Where cookies are used to collect personal data, we list these purposes in section 1 above, along with other personal data that we collect. However, we also use some cookies that do not collect personal information but that do help us collect anonymous information about how people use our website.

7. Modifications

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time and will publish the most current version on our website as part of this constitution.


The Committee reserve the right to apply the constitution unless there are circumstances beyond our control where the club is required to adhere to external legislation or guidance. (eg. government or local authority guidance – in which case members will be notified)