The club shall be named the “Watford Camera Club”; its objectives shall be to promote interest in photography and to develop the skills of its members. To achieve its objectives the club shall arrange an annual programme of events designed to inspire its members and guests; to develop their skills, it shall also arrange regular workshops that demonstrate diverse aspects of photography. The Club pursues a policy of equal opportunities; it does not discriminate on the grounds of age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation. The club shall publicise its activities and arrange public exhibitions in order to promote itself in the community.
The Officers (who shall be honorary) shall be the President, Immediate Past President, two Vice- Presidents (one of whom shall be President-Elect), Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Secretary, Print and Projected Image competition Secretaries, Outside Competition Secretary, Programme secretary, Assistant Programme Secretary and Social Secretary.
The Committee shall consist of the Officers and three other members who shall all be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies during its term of office and also elect additional officers or co-opt up to a maximum of three additional members.
The committee shall meet as necessary. Any five members of the committee shall form a quorum and have power to deal with any emergency.
Membership shall comprise the following categories: Ordinary, Junior (under 18), Senior (over 65), Family, Senior Family (when one member of the family reaches 65), Country and Honorary. Subscription rates shall be determined at an Annual or Special General Meeting. Prospective members wishing to enrol should contact the Membership Secretary. New members joining after 1st January shall pay a reduced subscription.
Country members shall be offered to former club members who do not reside within 25 miles of the club meeting place and those invited to become such members by the committee. Country members shall not be eligible to enter club competitions.
Honorary members shall be elected from those who have rendered outstanding service to photography and/ or the Watford Camera Club.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the end of the season at which meeting the Secretary and Treasurer shall submit their annual reports. The statement of accounts and balance sheets for the year ended 21st June must be audited by two appointed members not on the committee.
Notice of an Annual or Special General Meeting shall be given by issuing an agenda to all members 15 days before the meeting. A Special General Meeting must be held within 6 weeks of a decision by the Committee to call such a meeting or of a request signed by at least 10 members.
The club reserves the right to withdraw membership.
In the event of a liquidation of the Club, the net assets, after payment to creditors, shall be donated to like-minded organisations and/or charities at the discretion of the Committee.
These rules may be altered only at an Annual or Special General Meeting. The rules were last amended and adopted on 7th of June 2012 (Rule 5: “after 1st March shall pay a half-year subscription” changed to “after 1st January shall pay a reduced subscription”).
Enter 2 PDI images of any genre. No set subject this week.
January 23, 2025
6 by 6 Members Presentations
January 23, 2025
6 members will have 18 minutes to talk us through some of their images - always an interesting and well attended evening.
January 30, 2025
Match a print
January 30, 2025
An internal ‘laugh a minute’ friendly competition. Bring a handful of prints with you if you can, they don’t need to be mounted but can be. In fact it would be good if they are ‘unusual’ but good in quality – if possible! We will split you into 3 teams and explain all on the night. It is simple and fun.